With a similar line-up to that of Lonato, Parolin Motorsport recorded better results at the conclusion of the WSK Open Cup at Adria Karting Raceway from October 1st to 3rd.

While Brando Badoer made his debut in KZ2, Enzo Deligny finished in the OK-Junior top five just ahead of Maksim Orlov, Christian Costoya shone in the Mini top five while newcomer Dries Van Langendonck showed great potential.

After three seasons dedicated purely to the direct drive categories from Mini to OK, Parolin Motorsport has made a successful return to the gearbox karting field in 2021 with its TM Racing engines.

The second round of the European KZ & KZ2 Championship saw the Parolin Motorsport drivers demonstrate the effectiveness of their TM Racing-powered Parolin chassis in both classes.

Within a week of each other, the progress of the Parolin Motorsport team has been very clear between the Champions of the Future and the last round of the European Championship which has just ended in Zuera.

After the superb performance of Anatoly Khavalkin last week in Sarno, another Parolin Motorsport driver caused a sensation in OK-Junior this weekend in Zuera as Maksim Orlov brilliantly finished 3rd in the Champions of the Future series.

Following on from his excellent performances in the WSK Euro Series, Anatoly Khavalkin had a remarkable run at the front of the third round of the FIA Karting European Championship on the Sarno circuit.

One week after Alfio Spina’s Italian Championship in the OK class, another Parolin Motorsport driver was successful on the Sarno circuit.

The fifth round of the Italian ACI Karting Championship has crowned Parolin Motorsport driver Alfio Spina as OK Champion 2021.